developed to be applied to metal surfaces that cannot be dry enough


A single-coat solution designed to provide a water-resistant, anti-corrosion coating for wet or submerged surfaces as well as protect metal surfaces already experiencing moisture or condensation that cannot be stopped and dried.

Project Description
Customer faced various problems at one of their gas pipeline locations in Indonesia. Because of condensation and lack of maintenance, the gas pipeline was affected by severe corrosion problems. They could not stop operation of the pipelines for maintenance, and the repairs had to be completed while the pipelines were in operation and were wet on the surface. The site was also located at a remote area where structural maintenance was expensive and not a real option. The total length of the pipeline was approximately 700kms.

Coating Solution
Clean all surfaces, coat with MOIST METAL GRIP and overcoat with ENAMO GRIP in safety yellow color as top layer. MOIST METAL GRIP will displace the moisture, attach on the surface, and stop further corrosion problems. ENAMO GRIP will give a smooth and durable finish in safety yellow color, which prevents moisture, sunlight, and dirt from affecting the surface. This coating system guarantees a maintenance-free, durable solution which can resist all surface threatening influences.

Project Description
A customs patrol vessel of the German Coast Guard needed to be treated to protect the inside of the vessel from condensation.

Coating Solution
The following coating solutions were applied where necessary: MOIST METAL GRIP in wet areas (grey) followed by 4mm HOT SURFACE COATING with a top coating of ENAMO GRIP.

Room temperature before coating:
Monday, 8.30 = 13.5°C
Outer wall temperature before =  10 – 11°C
Humidity = 80.1%
On the coating outer wall temperature = 15 – 16°C

Products we used
Moist Metal Grip
Hot Surface Coating™
Enamo Grip

Project Description

At a cement plant there are pipes and ducts on a river close to the sea. The existing salinity and adverse weather conditions (humidity, heavy rainfall …) produce accelerated corrosion and oxidation on the installation.

Coating Solution

Application of RUST GRIP was done as an anti-corrosion system and finished with MOIST METAL GRIP white as a top layer for those surface areas permanently in contact with water. Where necessary it was decided to replace old sections of pipe with new piping that was also treated for prevention of corrosion.

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